This here is Part 2 of the last On the Grind article. This one is with The Kid Ceez, an affiliate of Mr. Dope Flow. Check out the interview and tell me what you think about it.
Follow the Kid Ceez: @TheKidCeez
IdoitforHipHop (IDIFHH): When did you first start rapping?
Ceez: Basically since the 7th Grade. It all came slowly, but that's when I decided to take it seriously.
IDIFHH: Who would you consider to be your biggest influences, music wise?
Ceez: My biggest influences would have to be Jay-Z and Fabolous. Hov has done so much for the game since Day 1. He has definitely set the bar really high. Loso has been my favorite rapper for a while because lyrically, the dude is sick. Punchline after punchline which is what catches my attention in songs and the fact that he can spit about anything and make it hot. He's dope.
IDIFHH: So you like the BK, got it. If you could pick anyone to guest on the hook for a track of yours who would it be?
Ceez: At the moment, I would have to say Drake, hands down. The kid is talented and very creative with hooks. Not to mention he's on fire right now.
IDIFHH: Speaking of Drake, he's signed to Cash Money and Young Money. What do you think about that movement?
Ceez: It's crazy. Wayne pulled an all star line up. That's a label I wouldn't mind signing to.
IDIFHH: I don't think that there are many that wouldn't.
Ceez: True.
IDIFHH: Label wise, you run your own. I have to ask, how do you balance being an artist and running a label?
Ceez: I think it helps that I have a great team that don't give me trouble when ti comes to decision making and they help as well, so I never really feel as though I'm on my own with things.
IDIFHH: I guess being an artist helps you see things from their perspective too. What are your views on the whole downloading issue that has been plaguing the industry? I mean, it really hurt 50 Cent and his Before I Self Destruct project. How do you think the labels should respond?
Ceez: Downloading is a major issue as far as sales go, but I think its to a point where it's too much for the labels to handle. The internet is damaging album sales too much. Labels can work harder, and not letting tracks leak as easily, so you have to go and get the album to listen to it, but other than that, there's not much that they can do.
IDIFHH: Do you think that maybe the days fo the CD are over? Take T-Pain and his Nappy Boyz label. It's all digital.
Ceez: Not so much as being over, just that its harder to be successful with it. I think it'll get better in time though.
IDIFHH: If anything, the downloading should increase. What makes you sure that it'll get better?
Ceez: The fact that labels are going to get to a point where they're going to have to resolve the situation.
IDIFHH: True. I don't think that its going to end well for the artists.
Ceez: We just have to say positive and hope for the best.
IDIFHH: With the forefront of the game being in the south, what do you think NY needs to do to maybe bring it back?
Ceez: Unite. One reason the south is in control is because they're putting differences aside and making collabs on a daily basis. Our egos are stopping us from doing the same. We need to stop all this beef shit.
IDIFHH: With Jada and Fif putting their shit behind them, do you think that its something that could happen in the near future?
Ceez: Its a start. Its a great move by them. That might be the beginning of the east making a comeback.
IDIFHH: Before I let you go, are theyre any shoutouts you'd like to make?
Ceez: Shoutout to my TNE Squad. DollarSIgn T, Spoda, and Tone! 2010 is OURS. Shout outs to the homies JayCro, Young Fame. HBF and GPS, Da Connect lives on. My bro Code Red and everybody else I fucks with. Shout outs to my twitter fam, and all the fans out there, they make it all possible.
IDIFHH: Alright, take it easy.
Ceez: You too.